Why yes. On occasion, I can look serious.
This is the only non-goofy photo of the bunch, however ;)
Edited this one all by myself....well, after Craig taught me how to use his editing program.
We're pretty sure Nikon is going to jack this shot for an ad.
Have you seen Austin Powers? Well, in the movie, he screams things like
"You're a tiger! Yes! YES!" and "NO! NO! Now you're little bunny foo foo!"
"Work it!! WORK IT!!" Craig recreated the scene.
Although it's hard to tell, this is the new background for the blog :)
Painting on the "blood" with a toothbrush. Red food coloring for the "blood splatters"
and red corn syrup stuff for the thicker "blood" on the razor blades.
Hygene first, kids. Always brush with red sugar paste. Fantastic for your teeth,
plus freak mom out with the appearance of a bloody mouth! Fun for all!!
And this is where I started to freak him out a bit. He was a
liiiiiiiiittle uncomfortable with how close the razors were to my face.
This is after I took a bite out of the cupcake. Craig, being the nice guy that he is, didn't tell me my face was covered in frosting. I do like that you can see the red food coloring from the "blood splatters" on my thumb though :)
"Em....PLEASE don't cut your mouth open..."

"OMG! You're going to scar your face up for this blog. It's not gonna be my fault.
I'm not taking responsability for your damaged face..." P.S. That is not real blood on my mouth or tongue. I licked the corn syrup off of one of the razors.
* No bloggers were hurt in the making of this photo shoot*
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